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Make Him Do Right The Legendary Karyn White By Angel Richard Back in 1988 it was a unique time for me as a kid. It was starter jackets, fourms, Jheri curl and girls! I could not get none of them at all. I was still a kid. However, I loved[…]
When the 90’s hit, R&B was on the level where how high can it go. We had and still have artists like Michael Jackson, Prince, Bobby, Whitney , Luther and Freddie just to name some because they’re much more to name. Songs about love and romance was dominating the charts.[…]
By Angel Richard I always wanted to know how Eve looked when I read the bible. She was the first woman ever created by God. Was she fair skin with freckles? Was she a curvy woman? So many thougths about her image enters my mind. Then I see Amirah Dyme.[…]
Just when I thought I seen it all, then comes in Tiffany Bowdery. This is where booty and beauty collides ! I bet a lot of men are rethinking who their dream girl is at this moment. Lets have a look at some of her Instagram pictures. Her smile is[…]
DBCURVES Elite Beauties By: Angel Richard Your relationship is going perfect. You finally found that sexy woman that you say your wish is my command, until you see DBcurves. You still love your girl but you did not know a woman like this existed in the world. This a woman[…]
The Mind Of Klairkia Hello Klairkia Singer, Songwriter, model By: Angel Richard What a talented woman I ran across on Instagram. I wanted to know more about Klairkia, so I googled her name an I got a Facebook music page. Her music was hot and her beauty made the songs[…]
Welcome to Café Bourbon St I remember the first time I seen the truck. I could smell the Hot Sausage and Jambalaya. I knew whoever owned this Food Truck, they were from New Orleans.Their names are Jonnessa and Maurice. I’m happy to see People from New Orleans doing great things[…]
The Finest Woman Alive By: Angel Richard When Mint Condition created the song So Fine, This must be the woman that they were singing about. Meet Rahki Giovanni. Its really all about the body with me. She have the brains booty and the beauty on all levels. Ive seen some[…]
The most advanced personal training only at Fit2Elite By Angel Richard On August 14, 2019, I decided to make a complete change in dealing with my physical body. It was a perfect time to make that decision because a met 2 people that was overqualified to help me achieve that.[…]